samedi 22 octobre 2011

Adam Carville's adventure: snakes attack

It's been a while I haven't posted anything here...
This is a new illustration with Adam Carville, from my Adventure serie.
It doesn't depict a part of the main story, but an episode that I will probably never draw, but which is mentionned in the first chapter of my story: during an expedition in India, he will have to seek a ruby big as an egg, and save the son and the daughter of a maharaja.
In this adventure, he will meet one of his worst enemy, Johnston Hammet, an idle millionaire who spend his time seeking for treasures to steal, and who has a very few scruples. He is a straight guy, who seduced many women, as the daughter of the Maharaja, sat on the elephant's back. (But Adam Carville will finally tell him in the main story that she's not exactly a girl...)
So he will be a recurrent character of the main story, being a supplementary opponent to Adam Carville.
and please, watch this drawing in full size!

above, a primary version of this drawing.

mercredi 12 octobre 2011

adventures : Adam Carville's clothes

Rien de bien particulier à dire, juste deux dessins d'étude pour trouver une nouvelle tenue à Adam Carville, le héros de ma série Adventure (un jour, faudra vraiment que me décide à trouver un titre... des suggestions?)

Nothing special to say, juste two drawing to present Adam Carville's new clothes, in my Adventures story. (any suggestion of title would be welcome...)

mardi 4 octobre 2011

Occasional hook-up

Il y a environ un an, fin aout 2010,  je mettais en place sur ce blog la rubrique Hunk of the week, avec pour but de poster un dessin de mec par semaine. Nous sommes maintenant en septembre, 56 semaines plus tard, et j'ai fait à peine 16  dessins pour cette rubrique. Je crois que j'ai un peu raté mon coup... la rubrique Hunk of the week deviendra donc maintenant "Occasional hook up"...

Almost one year ago, at the end of august 2010,  I set up my Hunk of the week section, which purpose was to post a drawing of guy each week. we're now in september, 54 weeks later, and I only posted 16 drawings. i think I kinda failed somehow...
so now, this section will become the "Occasional hook up"...