Un message rapide pour dire que le premier volume des aventures d'Adam Carville devrait normalement bientôt voir le jour! Ce premier opus est complètement terminé (la raison pour laquelle je n'ai rien posté pendant plusieurs mois sur mon blog), il ne me reste plus qu'à régler la question de l'impression. A ce propos, si quelqu'un connait un moyen de faire imprimer une BD pour pas trop cher, je suis preneur!
32 pages entièrement en couleur, prix supposé, 6€.
Plus d'infos prochainement
A quick note to say that the first volume of Adam Carville's adventures should come very soon! This first opus is completely ended (the reason for which I posted nothing during several months on my blog), I just have now to deal with the printing question. In this connection, if somebody knows a means to make print a comic for an afordable price, I am interested!
32 full color pages, estimated price: 6€.
More information to come soon
A quick note to say that the first volume of Adam Carville's adventures should come very soon! This first opus is completely ended (the reason for which I posted nothing during several months on my blog), I just have now to deal with the printing question. In this connection, if somebody knows a means to make print a comic for an afordable price, I am interested!
32 full color pages, estimated price: 6€.
More information to come soon