mercredi 19 janvier 2011


Ce dessin était sensé être une commission, mais après avoir eu l'accord sur l'esquisse, je n'ai plus eu aucune nouvelle de la part du commanditaire...
C'est un peu dommage et énervant, mais au final, je suis assez content de ce dessin, surtout qu'il m'a permis de réutiliser l'univers de Rawhide West et d'amorcer la suite de cette histoire, en présentant deux nouveaux personnages: Kendall Walton et Cueros. J'essaierai d'en dire plus sur ces deux mecs très bientôt.

This drawing was supposed to be a commission, but after having had the agreement on the sketch, I no more had news from the guy it was made for.

It is a little bit a pity and irritating, but finally, I am quite satisfied with this drawing, especially because he allowed me to reuse the universe of Rawhide West and to begin the continuation of this story, by presenting two new characters: Kendall Walton and Cueros. I shall try to say  more on these two guys very soon.

3 commentaires:

  1. The world of commisions is trully fritning o_o

    The end product is pretty awesome!!! I love this comic/collage of you, you spent a lot of time on them and the characters looks soo sexy even full clothed xD

  2. Devilman, thank you! Finally, I think men with clothes are sexier than already full naked, like in my previous cowboy story. Just to imagine them taking their clothes off... that's something I will try to improve in the next months.

    Sexyzoo: thank you. Well, I guess...
