jeudi 16 septembre 2010

Hunk of the Week 06

Samedi matin, je prend l'avion pour 15 jours de vacances à Bali! Ce dessin sera donc le dernier jusqu'à mon retour. Est-ce que ce jeune homme réussira à redescendre de son cocotier et savourer sa noix de coco?

Et ben vous le saurez dans 2 semaines! 

On saturday morning, I'm leaving for holidays! Going to Bali... This drawing will  be the last one until my return. Will this young guy manage to get down again of his coconut palm and to savor his coconut?

Well... you'll have to wait 2 weeks to know it!

mercredi 15 septembre 2010

PLAYGROUND: Introduction

A "beta" version of the first pages of my playground project. Some details need to be fixed, like the city in the background and the translation of the texts, but oh, well...I'll do it later. Hope you'll nevertheless enjoy it.

lundi 6 septembre 2010

Hunk of the Week 05

Good idea (although classic), but bungled realization... sorry! ^^