dimanche 20 juin 2010

Troll and viking

Je viens juste de passer une semaine en Islande, et je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais à l'issu de ce voyage, j'ai voulu dessiner un petit quelque chose, et ça a donné un troll qui encule un viking.
Comme quoi, je dois vraiment avoir l'esprit mal tourné...

I just spent  a week in Iceland, and I don't know why, but after this journey, I wanted to draw a little something, and it became a troll who fucks a Viking.

It seems  I definitively have a dirty mind...

8 commentaires:

  1. This is so awesome! Your work is always great ^^

    (and how was your honeymoon? Was Iceland fun?)

    Also we should trade links for our blogs! I can't believe you're not on my links listing...

    Do you have any banners I can put up? If not I'll just add a text link to my list.

  2. Mais non. C'est pas un esprit mal tourné, juste une imagination fertile. ;)

    En tout cas c'est très réussi. Pour s'aventurer par la le viking n'avait pas froid aux yeux, ni ailleurs. ^^

  3. That Troll remidns me someone but i dont remember wich character o_o

    W00t thats one sexy viking :D~~~~

  4. Jubell:
    thanks for your comment and support!the honeymoon was really sweet and lovely, and the trip in Iceland was awesome, it's an amazing country!
    As for the banner, I was just thinking I should do a banner for my blog. It will be done for the end of the week. I'll tell you when it will be finished and we'll can make a trade if you have a banner too!

    merci beaucoup! je crois quand même que j'ai l'esprit mal tourné, mais que ça va de pair avec de l'imagination. Mais pour me rattraper, le prochain sera étonnamment soft!
    et oui, j'aime les mecs qui n'ont pas froid aux yeux, ni ailleurs!

    thanks for your comment! I cannot tell you which character it reminds you, but as my troll is very basic and made about different images I had in mind, what you say is certainly right!
    Thanks for the viking. I especially enjoyed drawing his butt...

  5. Il a de très jolies fesses, ce petit viking barbu... :)

    Par contre, du bareback ?! :| Mais quelle horreur ! x3

  6. Hell. Yes. This is the kinda stuff I like. Woof! Love the chains.

  7. mais voyons, c'est bien connu que les trolls n'ont pas de maladies vénériennes... et puis à cette époque là, on ne risquait pas grand chose!

    guys, glad you like it!
