Bien que l'univers de Rawhide West soit fictif (une ville avec uniquement des hommes aux moeurs aussi libérées n'existait certainement pas à l'époque du Farwest, ni même maintenant d'ailleurs, et l'activité commerciale majeure de la ville est improbable dans la réalité...), je ne pouvais pas imaginer de développer mon univers sans y introduire des indiens. Ceux-ci n'étaient présents que sur une illustration dans le artbook Rawhide West, mais ils prendront part de manière beaucoup plus importante dans l'histoire complète.
Traditionnellement, dans les western, les indiens et les cowboys sont presque toujours ennemis et en conflit. J'ai préféré ici les faire cohabiter dans une paix relative, et établir des relations plus complexes qu'une simple opposition. (Ce qui prouve un peu plus que l'univers que j'essaie de développer est fictif...)
Although the universe of Rawhide West is fictitious (a city only populated by so loose men did not certainly exist at the time of Farwest, nor even now moreover, and the major commercial activity of the city is improbable in the reality), I could not imagine to develop my universe without introducing native Americans there. These were present only on an illustration in the artbook Rawhide West, but they will take part in a much more important way in the complete story.
Traditionally, in western movies, native Americans and cowboys are almost always enemies and in conflict. (and most of the time, native Americans are always depicted as the bads) I preferred here to make them live in a relative peace, and establish more complex relations than a simple opposition. (What proves a little bit more that the universe which I try to develop is fictitious)
oh my! I'm so not at ease with commenting my work, especially in english...
Traditionally, in western movies, native Americans and cowboys are almost always enemies and in conflict. (and most of the time, native Americans are always depicted as the bads) I preferred here to make them live in a relative peace, and establish more complex relations than a simple opposition. (What proves a little bit more that the universe which I try to develop is fictitious)
oh my! I'm so not at ease with commenting my work, especially in english...
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